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Online Marketing

Social Networks

Image Sharing

Video Sharing

Social Blogging

Social Communities

Micro Blogging


The Big 6 Online

1. Social Networks

Examples: Facebook, LinkedIn


A social networking site is a social media site that allows you to connect with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are three of the most popular examples of a social network website.


These platforms allow us to connect with our friends, family, and even brands. Most social network sites let users share thoughts, upload photos and videos, and participate in groups of interest.



2. Image Sharing & Messaging Sites

Example: Instagram


We currently live in an era of digital marketing dominated by visual content. it is an emerging fact that visual content on social media receives more engagement than written content. Visual assets have also become a top priority for modern brands.


As a result, new types of social media based primarily on images have emerged. Image-sharing platforms like Instagram and visual messaging apps such as Snapchat exploded in popularity in recent years. In fact, Instagram is on a fast-track toward one billion users.


But why are image-based social platforms receiving so much love? For starters, such sites:


  • Represent prime places to curate and promote user-generated content via branded hashtags

  • Allow brands and users alike to show off product photos without coming off like a used-car salesman

  • Provide users a much-needed break from traditional blogs and lengthy written content


Of the various types of social media, image-based platforms cover a wide range of industries and audiences as noted below.


3. Video Sharing Sites

Example: YouTube


Simply put video boasts more shares and conversions than of any type of marketing content. Much like image-based social sites, video hubs like YouTube and Vimeo are attracting visitors in droves via visual content.


YouTube boasts well over one billion daily users, signaling itself as a major player in the social sphere. While some may doubt YouTube’s status as a social platform, it’s massive community of creators would beg to differ.


Why video sharing sites have to offer? For starters:


  • Video content requires less effort for viewers to take in. There’s no reading or no scrolling, just watching.

  • There’s a lower barrier to entry than ever for video creation thanks to modern smartphones and laptops.

  • Videos are optimal for educating your audience. How-to’s and tutorials are the cornerstones of social video content.


4. Social Blogging

Example: Tumblr


In the wake of social networking, many critics may claim that traditional blogging has gone the way of the dinosaur. That said, brands who blog receive more leads and SEO juice that those who don’t. Despite the numerous types of social media platforms out there, there’s still plenty of power in blogging.


As a result, social blogging sites like Tumblr have emerged to provide marketers fresh ways to engage their audiences via written content. The benefits of such platforms for marketers include:


  • Squeezing the most out of your blog content in terms of SEO performance.

  • Reaching a broader audience beyond your own readership.


Positioning power, as those who frequently publish on Medium may build themselves up as an authority in their space


5. Social Community and Discussion Sites

Example: Google+


Replacing traditional forums, community and discussion sites are among some of the most popular on the modern web. These types of social media platforms tap into the Internet’s never-ending thirst for questions and answers.


Marketers have an incentive to have a presence on sites such as Reddit, Quora and Yahoo! Answers to…


  • Present themselves as problem-solvers and resources to their audiences

  • Understand what’s on their minds of their audience, using that knowledge as inspiration for new content and products

  • Keep a pulse on your industry at large


6. Microblogging

Examples: Twitter, Facebook


These are just what they sound like, sites that allow the users to submit their short written entries, which can include links to product and service sites, as well as links to other social media sites. These are then posted on the ‘walls’ of everyone who has subscribed to that user’s account. The most commonly used microblogging website is Twitter.


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